
Welcome to ReFind Design, eco-friendly jewelry designs and classes.

Want to learn something new?

I'm officially a jewelry teacher! Last month I taught a class at the Bead Monkey on making origami cranes out of Precious Metal Clay and paper. It was so much fun! But the fun is not over yet. I will be teaching this class twice more this year. Check out the Bead Monkey website to sign up. Upcoming dates are:
Sat., Oct. 16
Bead Monkey St. Paul Location

Sun., Nov. 14
Bead Monkey Minneapolis Location

These cranes are not difficult to make and they make excellent (and very impressive) gifts. And dare I say it...It's never too early to start thinking about the holidays!

I'm looking for suggestions for other classes to teach. Is there a jewelry technique you've always wanted to learn? Let me know in the comment section!

Everything has a repurpose
