
Welcome to ReFind Design, eco-friendly jewelry designs and classes.

Counting the Days...

As a teacher, this time of year is always challenging. There's a lot going on (graduations, award ceremonies, rushing to get everything done before the last day arrives) but motivation is always a little difficult. It's nice outside and the kids know there's only a few weeks/days until...FREEDOM!

I have to admit I am just as guilty as the kids in this respect. This year was particularly bad. The first thing I did after coming back from Spring Break was to count the days until summer vacation (46, just in case you were wondering). We are now at T-minus 10 and counting, and I am so ready to be done.  I'm a librarian, so before I can truly be on break I have to collect the 3,000+ books that are currently checked out as well as organize 2 library spaces consisting of 20,000+ items. It's a tad daunting. No wonder I'm eager to be finished!

There are a few other events coming up that I can hardly wait for...

First is the Edina Art Fair. This will be my first year as a vendor in this event. It's HUGE. There are over 350 artists from across the US. They expect about 90,000 visitors in the 3 days of the fair. I'll be sure to take some pictures and post them after the show.

Second is the Bead & Button Show in Milwaukee. It's the largest bead show in the nation. Every January when the class catalog comes out it's like Christmas...I pour over the pages, figuring out exactly what I want to take. I'm such a nerd that way. Here's my list of classes and links in case you want to check them out:
Fused Photo Pendant
Introduction to GlasClay
From Sugarcoat to Fusion: Copper Opaque Enameling
Easy Torch-Fired Enamel Necklace and Earrings
 Image Transfer on Metal Clay
I'm so excited for this class. It's taught by one of my favorite authors & artists, Sherri Haab. She has a great book on PMC/Metal Clay and another on resin jewelry. Check them out if you're looking for inspiration! (By the way, the links above take you to my favorite book shopping website of all time, allbookstores.com. It comparison shops over 2 dozen book sites and gives you the prices, including shipping, on new and used books. I found an art technique book I was looking for on that site for $0.99 with free shipping!)

Not only are the classes a blast, but the show floor is amazing and overwhelming. It's going to be an incredible time.
Now if I can only make it 10 more days...

Holy Magazine, Batman!

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